Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.
Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online.
Bircham International University
Bircham International University distance learning degree programs meet the current higher education guidelines set forth by the European Union (European Credit Transfer System [ECTS]) as well as the USA (Generally Accepted Accrediting Practices [GAAP]).
Bircham International University provides much more than a diploma. The graduation set documents provide a comprehensive report of your academic achievements, credits earned and transferred, course descriptions, program textbooks, etc... The Graduation set documents do prove the extent and depth of your program of study at BIU.
These documents are: Diploma, Diploma Supplement, Transcript, Evaluation Reports (Academic Evaluation Control Form), Research Evaluation Form (Thesis or Projects). Additionally BIU provides an Official Diploma Translation (with your picture) and a Transcript Attachment describing all the courses earned at BIU in several languages. Original copies of any of these documents may be issued from Europe or the USA.
BIU distance learning degrees and transcript are signed by a Doctor from a formal traditional university, the President of BIU, and the Registrar official. These documents do not specify distance education. The diploma and other graduation documents will always be issued in English.
1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credits (30 hours of study).
BIU earned credit composition is the following:
+ 40% - Reading & comprehension
+ 30% - Data organization & writing
+ 20% - Review & formatting. Examples, case studies, etc.
+ 10% - Conclusion & opinion. Critical thinking.
Acceptance of these distance learning higher education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework. There are no universal criteria for recognition and/or accreditation. Each country, region or institution has its own. More info...
BIU meets the quality criteria set forth by the USDLA regarding our academic quality, institutional integrity, efficacy in our distance learning methodology, and continuos improvement among over 120 standards. More info...
Bircham International University issues an admission certificate after receiving your complete application for admission. This document will show the amount of credits transferred and validated from previous education and experience, and the amount of credits required to complete the distance learning degree program's major. Bircham University can not perform this evaluation without the complete application for admission. More info...
Bircham International University diploma and transcript are always issued in English.
Composition - Academic credits
Transcript - Distance degree programs.
BIU Earned Credits
TRANS - Credits transferred from previous education
CFLEX - Credits validated from professional experience
BIU Earned Credits
Credits earned through the completion of academic work at Bircham International University (Reports, Projects and Thesis).
Bircham International University will grant credit for the academic work (reports, projects and thesis) approved according to the instructions provided in the study guide. BIU earned credits will show the number of credits granted per course and the corresponding grade.
The BIU Transcript will display a final Grade Point Average (GPA) based exclusively on the credits earned at BIU.
Credits earned at BIU are identified with a CIC - COURSE IDENTIFICATION CODE = 3 numbers + 3 letters code + course title.
Example: 301TEM Technology Management
100 numbers stand for General Education courses.
200 numbers stand for General Education courses.
300 numbers stand for Bachelor's, Specialist & Expert courses.
400 numbers stand for Bachelor's courses.
500 numbers stand for Master's courses.
600 numbers stand for Doctorate courses.
700 numbers stand for Doctorate courses.
The corresponding learning outcomes levels are achieved following the Bircham University study guide, academic assignment instructions, and through the presentation of the required evaluation units: Reports (20-35 pages), Project (over 50 pages) & Thesis (over 70 pages).
One report (20 to 35 pages) will usually account for 3 subject courses of 3 credits each. One report is usually assigned to cover around 350 to 400 pages of a textbook. Thus, the following pedagogical effort is calculated:
- 1 Report = 9 credits = 135 hours of notional learning
- 375 pages reading and comprehension = 54 hours (40%)
- Comprehensive reading is assigned an average speed of 7 pages per hour
- Comprehensive reading includes note taking time
- Data organization and report draft writing = 40 hours (30%)
- Notes and data organization is assigned around 10 hours per report
- Report draft writing is assigned an average speed of 1 page per hour
- Report review and formatting = 27 hours (20%)
- Includes textbook review reading and final report writing and formatting
- Critical thinking, conclusion, and opinion = 14 hours (10%)
- Personal quality thinking is considered to happen along the study process.
- Conclusion and opinion are supposed to happen at the end of the process.
Bircham International University distance learning higher education evaluation method encourages the development of critical thinking and information processing. The professors base the evaluation of the material (reports, projects, and/or thesis) submitted by the students on three criteria; each accounting for one third of the final grade. More info...
33% Format:
The organization and presentation of the information.
Evaluation of the format accounts for data organization, hierarchy, interrelationships, and clarity of presentation.
Affidavit - Index - Font size and spacing - Content breakdown (parts, chapters...)
Detailed index (Pages numbered...) - Data organization - Clarity (Orthography) - Aesthetics.
33% Content:
Reflects how much the report matches the bibliography.
Evaluation of the content is based on the comprehension of the material as well as the student’s synthesis skills and concept interaction. Report contents are valued only as 33% of the final grade because the textbook is available for the student throughout report elaboration.
Minimum length - Subject key points - Concept interaction - Topic adequacy.
Maximum length - Topic analysis - Synthesis skills - Comprehension level.
33% PQT- Personal Quality Thinking:
Shows how the subject is mastered through case studies, personal comments, and the ability to apply the information learned to problem-solving. Evaluation of the PQT shows the student's analysis criteria and critical thinking, as reflected in the writing and presentation style.
Fluent Writing - Charts, illustrations... - Original work (no copy/paste) - Communication efficacy.
Personal writing style - Case analysis (or arguments) - Case resolution (or topic conclusion) - Critical thinking (Opinion).
Bircham International University follows this grading scale:
4.0 - Excellent - 91-99% / A
3.5 - Very Good - 81-90% / B
3.0 - Good - 71-80% / C
2.5 - Satisfactory - 61-70% / D
2.0 - Sufficient - 51-60% - E (Minimum passing grade)
1.5 - Fail < 50% / F
W - Course / Subject Withdrawal
To earn any course credits, a grade point average of E (2.0 - 50%) or higher is required.
BIU adapts each Distance Learning Higher Education degree program to the needs of each student. More info...
TRANS - Credits transferred from previous education
Bircham International University recognizes and transfers academic credits earned at other educational institutions.
Transferred credits are identified at the BIU Transcript with a TRANS Code and followed by a one line description of the degree, major of study, the name of the institution, and country. Transferred credits will show the total number of credits earned at that institution but it will not show any grade nor any reference to evaluation achievements.
For example:
TRANS Lic. Economy & Finance (University Sorbonne, France)
TRANS Master Education Counseling (Univ. Mississippi, USA)
BIU can transfer credit from previous education based on the information and documents submitted with the application for admission, and provided that the following conditions are meet:
1. Each degree program information must show the following details: Start and end dates, city & country, name of the University or Institution, degree & major earned, and estimated total of hours of study or academic credits earned.
2. A copy of diploma and transcript to support the information described on the application.
In case a diploma copy is not attached, the transcript should specify that the degree program has been completed or otherwise BIU will not consider the degree completed.
In case a transcript is not attached, the student should explain the reasons and attach a copy of the program of study describing the duration or total number of hours completed. BIU may not validate a diploma if the information concerning its duration or hours of study is not demonstrated.
In case a copy of the transcript and diploma is not attached to the application, BIU will not transfer any credits.
The BIU Chief Academic Officer may decide not to transfer credit from some institutions or to accept less credits that those displayed in the submitted documents.
BIU uses UNESCO references for academic mobility published in the World Guide to Higher Education: A comparative survey of systems, degrees and qualifications.
BIU has set the following equivalency chart for those transcripts or documents that do not display or clearly identify partial and/or the total number of earned credit hours.
1 BIU Credit = 15 hours of learning.
1 Semester Subject = 3 BIU Credits.
1 Year Subject = 6 BIU Credits.
1 Semester of study = 15 BIU Credits (30 ECTS).
1 Year of study = 30 BIU Credits (60 ECTS).
2 Years of study = 60 BIU Credits (120 ECTS).
For more information about the value of transferred credits refer to the student original transcripts and documents from the issuing institution.
A distance learning university makes studying & working easy and compatible. More info...
CFLEX - Credits validated from professional experience
Bircham International University may recognize knowledge and skills from work and life experiences.
BIU may recognize knowledge and skills acquired through different work and life experiences or independent learning as an equivalent to some courses and/or general education credits.
BIU has developed a list of skills that match different qualifying aspects derived from professional experience and independent studies. Such skills may be equivalent to some courses or subjects (3 credits each). These credits are identified with a CFLEX Code in the Transcript and they will not show any grade nor any reference to evaluation achievements.
CFLEX credits may be assigned up to a maximum of 20% of the total amounts of credits required to complete the degree program after careful analysis of the information and documents submitted by the student with the application for admission. Clear evidence of professional accomplishment and skill mastering should be easily deduced from these documents. Usually one year of experience will account for one or two credits depending on the job position, duties performed and level of responsibility. There is a maximum number of CFLEX credits that may be awarded per skill despite of how many years of experience or how qualified any candidate may be.
No matter what technology supports the education process, learning occurs only as a result of the active processing by our biological brain. More info...
ECTS Credits Online via distance learning
ECTS credits make teaching and learning more transparent and facilitate the recognition of studies (formal and non-formal).
The ECTS credits system is used across Europe for credit transfer (student mobility) and credit accumulation towards a degree. It also informs about curriculum design and quality assurance.
ECTS credits online via distance learning are based on the workload students need in order to achieve their expected learning outcomes. Learning outcomes describe what a learner is expected to know, understand, and be able to do after successful completion of his/her learning process. They relate to certain descriptors levels in national and European qualifications frameworks. Workload indicates the time students typically need to complete all learning activities (such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, self-study, and examinations) required to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
If students have achieved learning outcomes in other learning contexts or timeframes (formal, non-formal or informal), the associated ECTS credits online via distance learning may be awarded after successful assessment, validation, or recognition of these learning outcomes. ECTS credits online via distance learning awarded in one program may be transferred into another program, offered by the same institution or by others. More info...
ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
A common language for academic recognition.
1 ECTS ACADEMIC CREDIT = 25 to 30 hours of study or work.
Credit Evaluation Services
BIU graduates may get evaluation academic credits reports from several institutions. The requirements of each credential evaluation service may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume on each occasion. BIU can not guarantee credit or degree validation in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. More info...
Transcript - Distance Learning Higher Education